Scafell Pike – lovely and litter free!

Scafell Pike is sitting pretty after a great team effort on Saturday involving the National Trust, Fix the Fells volunteers and the Lake District National Park. We couldn’t have asked for better weather for our annual pre-season drain-run, litter pick and maintenance day and along with a great turn out for the event, we had a terrific day.
Ascending the Pike on the Brown Tongue path, there were some real highlights. Firstly, the number of happy people out-and-about, doing good-weather-recces for their upcoming Three Peaks Challenge. I met hillwalkers Dave and Carl from Brighton who were scouting out each of the Three Peaks over the course of three weekends and, having taken the advice from our website, had decided to make the most of three consecutive weekends away in Scotland, England and Wales. Well done Dave and Carl!
To our absolute delight, there was hardly any litter on the Pike. We’re pretty sure this is down to local fell runner Lindsay Buck who runs up the Pike several

times a week with a bin-bag! Thank you Lindsay! Lindsay’s outstanding efforts have earned her a National Trust Beatrix Potter Award in the ‘Local Hero’ category and she certainly deserves our special thanks. Moreover, we’re pretty sure the ‘broken window theory’ applies here; the less litter people see on the ground, the less likely they are to drop litter. We’re just really thankful to both Lindsay and everyone who climbs up the Pike, for taking their litter home with them.